Comment history with Tung
Displaying 41 - 60 of 172 comments
Yah. It measn "You are pretty" in viet. Haha. 8D
Haha, yeah, she's pretty much on the chubby side.
I think thats a compliment? ;D
ROFL. Are you serious? EWW =XX
Haha thats hot. So many ethnicity. Exotic imo. ;)
Oh do you understand this. Em dep qua. ;D
Haha. Yeah, I've webcammed with her many times, and she always has the webcam so close to her face at a certain angle. But whenever she moves and I see her clearly normal angle, I can see so much double chin fatness and her arms are huge O_O.
ROFL. I'm probably like, 10% viet. My dad is Taiwanese, and vietnamese. My mom is Taiwanese, cantonese, and all this other crap. My parents always spoke taiwanese to me, so I guess thats why. Haha. I know some viet. du ma mai Tung ;D
PSHTTT. She should lose some fat. Them christmas cookies put on some pounds.
Nope, it actually doesn't crash this time. I love this layout! My goodness, you are so awesome at design. Anyways, she called you ugly a while back like some weeks ago, when everyone was bitching to me about the Cutest/Hottest girl thread haha. Anyways, I actually read that about me up there, and it says your Chinese? What the fuck! I always thought you were Vietnamese with your Truong last name. I feel so stupid now :(
You like it huh? ;)
Btw did I tell you how hot you look in that pic with your brother ;D I can't believe Trish called you ugly. Haha.
Because I like it simple ;]
I think I'll change it later on. Haha.
I like your new background btw
HAHA. I love the spillcanvas 8)
I'm going to bed. Goodnight tung!
hi angie! haven't heard from you in a while. how's it going? 8)